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What materials are added to ABS plastic that are not easy to break

release time:2021-06-23 17:58:21  Views: 525

Heat-resistant ABS plastic has good physical and mechanical properties. It is resistant to high temperatures and low temperatures, has a very strong impact resistance, and is relatively stable and easy to process. However, the performance of this material to endure the environment is relatively poor, which is a problem that needs to be paid attention to in the process of engineering application.

Talking about making ABS plastic, general manufacturers will add glass fiber to it to increase its impact strength, or physically blend with polycarbonate PC to obtain a PC/ABS alloy, which can increase its impact strength. Said to reach the level of not fragile.

You are talking about making ABS plastic. Generally, manufacturers will add glass fiber to it to increase its impact strength, or physically blend with polycarbonate PC to obtain a PC/ABS alloy, which can increase its impact strength. Said to reach the level of not fragile.


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