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How wide is the application range of PPS plastics

release time:2021-06-23 17:57:21  Views: 609

1. Electronic and electrical, PPS output is about 35%~ 50% is used in the electronic and electrical field, mainly used to make connectors, transformers, relays in the framework, switches, magnetic recording material base film, motor drum, magnetic sensor head, trimmer capacitor, contact circuit breaker, printed circuit board, electronics Parts, conditioner parts, etc.

2. Automobile industry. Some automotive parts that require heat resistance, oil resistance, light weight and high strength, such as automobile hoods, exhaust treatment device parts, gasoline pumps, vaporizers and other parts, ignition parts, connectors, oil distributor parts, radiator parts, steering rods End supports, car light reflectors, lamp holders, brake parts, clutch parts, etc.

   3. Machinery and precision parts. Impellers, fans, blades, clutches, gears, pump housings, pump wheels, valves, flow meters, compressor parts, insulating plates, indicator lights, pulleys, hooks, nozzles, pipe brackets, gauges, computer parts, CD parts, Cameras, tachometers, watches, photocopy parts, etc.

  4. Aerospace. PPS thermoplastic composites reinforced with glass fiber, carbon fiber, and boron fiber are mainly used in aircraft, rockets, artificial satellites, aircraft carriers, armored vehicles and parts of conventional weapons.

   5. Light industry and others. PPS is used in papermaking equipment, textile equipment, packaging materials, non-stick cookware, fireproof fabrics, fishing rods, golf clubs, tennis rackets and other sporting goods.


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